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20151015_082703_optTo Praise, Admire, and Understand; these are the three words selected this year to represent MOMENTUM: Works in Recovery and Growth.

These three words came from a quote from a family used to describe what the MOMENTUM art exhibition had meant to their brother. They said MOMENTUM gave their brother the opportunity to have his work seen. Not only seen but praised, admired, and understood. Through this he experienced a spark in confidence, a shift in his perspective of himself, which began his movement toward recovery.

MOMENTUM is an annual art competition and exhibition featuring artists with disabilities living in Central Iowa sponsored by Community Support Advocates. This past week the 11th annual event was held at Hoyt Sherman Place in Des Moines. This year’s event attracted the largest participation from artists, Community Partners, and attendees yet. Although we are proud of this accomplishment, we know there is more to be done.

Art is communication. Art can be an expression of joy, grief, love, pain, or anything we need it to be. Art is a universal language that should be accessible to everyone. Community Support Advocates, through MOMENTUM and our Wellness Project, hope to increase access to art for persons with disabilities in Central Iowa.

Artist, Henri Matisse, said, “Creativity takes courage. I challenge you to look for ways to be courageous today.”